Yuzuru Takashima, Ph.D.

2007 Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
Electrical Engineering, Applied Physics, Aeronautics/Astronautics
"Yuzuru Takashima"
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Lambertus Hesselink grad student 2007 Stanford
 (Optical designs for page -based and bit -based holographic data storage systems.)
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Hellman B, Lee T, Park JH, et al. (2020) Gigapixel and 1440-perspective extended-angle display by megapixel MEMS-SLM. Optics Letters. 45: 5016-5019
Hellman B, Luo C, Chen G, et al. (2020) Single-chip holographic beam steering for lidar by a digital micromirror device with angular and spatial hybrid multiplexing. Optics Express. 28: 21993-22011
Rodriguez J, Smith B, Hellman B, et al. (2020) Fast laser beam steering into multiple diffraction orders with a single digital micromirror device for time-of-flight lidar. Applied Optics. 59: G239-G248
Ju YG, Choi MH, Liu P, et al. (2020) Occlusion-capable optical-see-through near-eye display using a single digital micromirror device. Optics Letters. 45: 3361-3364
Takekawa Y, Takashima Y, Takaki Y. (2020) Holographic display having a wide viewing zone using a MEMS SLM without pixel pitch reduction. Optics Express. 28: 7392-7407
Hellman B, Gin A, Smith B, et al. (2020) Wide-angle MEMS-based imaging lidar by decoupled scan axes. Applied Optics. 59: 28-37
Hellman B, Takashima Y. (2019) Angular and spatial light modulation by single digital micromirror device for multi-image output and nearly-doubled étendue. Optics Express. 27: 21477-21496
Nakamura T, Takashima Y. (2018) Design of discretely depth-varying holographic grating for image guide based see-through and near-to-eye displays. Optics Express. 26: 26520-26533
Summitt C, Wang S, Namnabat S, et al. (2017) Fast fabrication of polymer out-of-plane optical coupler by gray-scale lithography. Optics Express. 25: 17960-17970
Smith B, Hellman B, Gin A, et al. (2017) Single chip lidar with discrete beam steering by digital micromirror device. Optics Express. 25: 14732-14745
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