Lance S. Hammond, Ph.D.

2002 Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
"Lance Hammond"
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Oyekunle Olukotun grad student 2002 Stanford
 (Hydra: A chip multiprocessor with support for speculative thread -level parallelization.)
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Carlstrom BD, Chung J, Chafi H, et al. (2006) Executing Java programs with transactional memory Science of Computer Programming. 63: 111-129
Olukotun K, Hammond L. (2005) The Future of Microprocessors Queue. 3: 26-29
Hammond L, Carlstrom BD, Wong V, et al. (2004) Transactional coherence and consistency: Simplifying parallel hardware and software Ieee Micro. 24: 92-103
Hammond L, Hubbert BA, Siu M, et al. (2000) Stanford Hydra CMP Ieee Micro. 20: 71-84
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