P. Jeffrey Brantingham

Anthropology University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
"P. Brantingham"
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Brantingham PJ, Valasik M, Tita GE. (2019) Competitive dominance, gang size and the directionality of gang violence Crime Science. 8: 1-20
Wang B, Yin P, Bertozzi AL, et al. (2019) Deep Learning for Real-Time Crime Forecasting and Its Ternarization Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B. 40: 949-966
Kuang D, Brantingham PJ, Bertozzi AL. (2017) Crime topic modeling Crime Science. 6
Madsen DB, Perreault C, Rhode D, et al. (2017) Early foraging settlement of the Tibetan Plateau highlands Archaeological Research in Asia. 11: 15-26
Lai EL, Moyer D, Yuan B, et al. (2016) Topic time series analysis of microblogs Ima Journal of Applied Mathematics (Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications). 81: 409-431
Perreault C, Boulanger MT, Hudson AM, et al. (2016) Characterization of obsidian from the Tibetan Plateau by XRF and NAA Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 5: 392-399
Cho YS, Galstyan A, Brantingham PJ, et al. (2014) Latent self-exciting point process model for spatial-temporal networks Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B. 19: 1335-1354
Madsen DB, Oviatt CG, Zhu Y, et al. (2014) The early appearance of Shuidonggou core-and-blade technology in north China: Implications for the spread of Anatomically Modern Humans in northeast Asia? Quaternary International. 347: 21-28
Madsen DB, Lai Z, Sun Y, et al. (2014) Late Quaternary Qaidam lake histories and implications for an MIS 3 “Greatest Lakes” period in northwest China Journal of Paleolimnology. 51: 161-177
Brantingham PJ. (2013) Prey selection among Los Angeles car thieves Crime Science. 2: 3
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