Dori Derdikman

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Haifa District, Israel 
Hippocampus and Entorhinal Cortex
"Dori Derdikman"
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Abramson S, Kraus BJ, White JA, et al. (2023) Flexible coding of time or distance in hippocampal cells. Elife. 12
Ginosar G, Aljadeff J, Las L, et al. (2023) Are grid cells used for navigation? On local metrics, subjective spaces, and black holes. Neuron
Agarwal A, Sarel A, Derdikman D, et al. (2023) Spatial coding in the hippocampus and hyperpallium of flying owls. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2212418120
Rechnitz O, Derdikman D. (2023) Use it or lose it. Elife. 12
Morris G, Derdikman D. (2022) The chicken and egg problem of grid cells and place cells. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Rechnitz O, Slutsky I, Morris G, et al. (2021) Hippocampal sub-networks exhibit distinct spatial representation deficits in Alzheimer's disease model mice. Current Biology : Cb
Ben-Yishay E, Krivoruchko K, Ron S, et al. (2021) Directional tuning in the hippocampal formation of birds. Current Biology : Cb
Almog N, Tocker G, Bonnevie T, et al. (2019) During hippocampal inactivation, grid cells maintain synchrony, even when the grid pattern is lost. Elife. 8
Gofman X, Tocker G, Weiss S, et al. (2019) Dissociation between Postrhinal Cortex and Downstream Parahippocampal Regions in the Representation of Egocentric Boundaries. Current Biology : Cb
Styr B, Gonen N, Zarhin D, et al. (2019) Mitochondrial Regulation of the Hippocampal Firing Rate Set Point and Seizure Susceptibility. Neuron
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