Evgeny Sokolov

University of Moscow, Moskva, Moscow, Russia 
orienting reflex
"Evgeny Sokolov"

Евгений Николаевич Соколов

Biography (in Russian)

Mean distance: 15.73 (cluster 19)
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Sokolov EN, Ter-Margaryan AG. (1986) Longterm habituation in neurons LPa3 and PPa3 of the snail. Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 16: 246-8
Bravarenko NI, Balaban PM, Sokolov EN. (1983) Organization of sensory input of command neurons. Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 13: 269-74
Bravarenko NI, Balaban PM, Sokolov EN. (1982) [Organization of the sensory input of command neurons]. Zhurnal Vyssheä­ Nervnoä­ Deiatelnosti Imeni I P Pavlova. 32: 94-9
ZosimovskiÄ­ VA, Balaban PM, Zakharov IS, et al. (1980) [Study of monosynaptic excitatory connections using a biomathematical model of neuronal interaction]. Neirì†Ofiziologiia = Neurophysiology. 12: 413-20
Zosimovskii VA, Balaban PM, Zakharov IS, et al. (1980) Investigation of a monosynaptic excitatory connection by means of a biomathematical model of neuronal interaction Neurophysiology. 12: 275-281
VINOGRADOVA OS, SOKOLOV EN. (1957) [Correlation of vascular reactions in the arm and head in some unconditional reflexes in man]. Fiziologicheskiä­ Zhurnal Sssr Imeni I. M. Sechenova. 43: 54-9
VINOGRADOVA OS, SOKOLOV EN. (1955) [Extinction of vascular component of orientation reaction]. Zhurnal Vyssheä­ Nervnoä­ Deiatelnosti Imeni I P Pavlova. 5: 344-50
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