Rudy Guyonneau

CNRS Toulouse, Toulouse, Occitanie, France 
"Rudy Guyonneau"
Mean distance: 14.75 (cluster 29)


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Simon J. Thorpe grad student 2002-2006 CNRS
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Masquelier T, Guyonneau R, Thorpe SJ. (2009) Competitive STDP-based spike pattern learning. Neural Computation. 21: 1259-76
Masquelier T, Guyonneau R, Thorpe SJ. (2008) Spike timing dependent plasticity finds the start of repeating patterns in continuous spike trains. Plos One. 3: e1377
Guyonneau R, Kirchner H, Thorpe SJ. (2006) Animals roll around the clock: the rotation invariance of ultrarapid visual processing. Journal of Vision. 6: 1008-17
Guyonneau R, VanRullen R, Thorpe SJ. (2005) Neurons tune to the earliest spikes through STDP. Neural Computation. 17: 859-79
VanRullen R, Guyonneau R, Thorpe SJ. (2005) Spike times make sense. Trends in Neurosciences. 28: 1-4
Guyonneau R, Vanrullen R, Thorpe SJ. (2004) Temporal codes and sparse representations: a key to understanding rapid processing in the visual system. Journal of Physiology, Paris. 98: 487-97
Thorpe SJ, Guyonneau R, Guilbaud N, et al. (2004) SpikeNet: Real-time visual processing with one spike per neuron Neurocomputing. 58: 857-864
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