Mark I. Dykman

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
"Mark Dykman"
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Tadokoro Y, Tanaka H, Dykman MI. (2020) Noise-induced switching from a symmetry-protected shallow metastable state. Scientific Reports. 10: 10413
Zhang Y, Dykman MI. (2019) Nonlocal random walk over Floquet states of a dissipative nonlinear oscillator. Physical Review. E. 100: 052148
Dykman MI, Rastelli G, Roukes ML, et al. (2019) Resonantly Induced Friction and Frequency Combs in Driven Nanomechanical Systems. Physical Review Letters. 122: 254301
Lörch N, Zhang Y, Bruder C, et al. (2019) Quantum state preparation for coupled period tripling oscillators Physical Review Research. 1
Dong X, Dykman MI, Chan HB. (2018) Strong negative nonlinear friction from induced two-phonon processes in vibrational systems. Nature Communications. 9: 3241
Tadokoro Y, Tanaka H, Dykman MI. (2018) Driven nonlinear nanomechanical resonators as digital signal detectors. Scientific Reports. 8: 11284
Dykman MI, Bruder C, Lörch N, et al. (2018) Interaction-induced time-symmetry breaking in driven quantum oscillators Physical Review B. 98
Castelnovo C, Dykman MI, Smelyanskiy VN, et al. (2018) Dephasing with strings attached Physical Review B. 97
Dykman MI, Kono K, Konstantinov D, et al. (2017) Ripplonic Lamb Shift for Electrons on Liquid Helium. Physical Review Letters. 119: 256802
Shoshani O, Shaw SW, Dykman MI. (2017) Anomalous Decay of Nanomechanical Modes Going Through Nonlinear Resonance. Scientific Reports. 7: 18091
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