Dana K. Vaughan
Affiliations: | University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI, United States |
Retinal cell biologyWebsite:
"Dana Vaughan"Mean distance: 15.67 (cluster 6) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorSteven K. Fisher | grad student | 1982-1988 | UC Santa Barbara |
Eric M. Lasater | post-doc | 1988-1991 | University of Utah |
Eric M. Lasater | post-doc | 1988-1991 | University of Utah |
Sign in to add traineeBenjamin S. Sajdak | research assistant | 2011-2013 | University of Wisconsin Oshkosh |
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Organisciak DT, Vaughan DK. (2010) Retinal light damage: mechanisms and protection. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research. 29: 113-34 |
Marc RE, Jones BW, Watt CB, et al. (2008) Extreme retinal remodeling triggered by light damage: implications for age related macular degeneration. Molecular Vision. 14: 782-806 |
Jones BW, Marc RE, Watt CB, et al. (2006) Neural plasticity revealed by light-induced photoreceptor lesions. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 572: 405-10 |
Vaughan DK, Lasater EM. (1992) Acid phosphatase localization in endocytosed horizontal cell gap junctions. Visual Neuroscience. 8: 77-81 |
Vaughan DK, Lasater EM. (1990) Distribution of F-actin in bipolar and horizontal cells of bass retinas. The American Journal of Physiology. 259: C205-14 |
Vaughan DK, Lasater EM. (1990) Renewal of electrotonic synapses in teleost retinal horizontal cells. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 299: 364-74 |
Vaughan DK, Erickson PA, Fisher SK. (1990) Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactivity in rabbit retina: effect of fixation. Experimental Eye Research. 50: 385-92 |
Vaughan DK, Lasater EM. (1990) Glial and neuronal markers in bass retinal horizontal and Müller cells. Brain Research. 537: 131-40 |
Vaughan DK, Fisher SK. (1989) Cytochalasin D disrupts outer segment disc morphogenesis in situ in rabbit retina. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 30: 339-42 |
Vaughan DK, Fisher SK, Bernstein SA, et al. (1989) Evidence that microtubules do not mediate opsin vesicle transport in photoreceptors. The Journal of Cell Biology. 109: 3053-62 |