John V. Basmajian

Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada 
"John Basmajian"
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Basmajian JV. (1981) Biofeedback in rehabilitation: a review of principles and practices. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 62: 469-75
Brown DM, Basmajian JV. (1978) Bioconverter for upper extremity rehabilitation. American Journal of Physical Medicine. 57: 233-8
Takebe K, Kukulka CG, Narayan MG, et al. (1976) Biofeedback treatment of foot drop after stroke compared with standard rehabilitation technique (part 2): effects on nerve conduction velocity and spasticity. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 57: 9-11
Takebe K, Basmajian JV. (1976) Gait analysis in stroke patients to assess treatments of foot-drop. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 57: 305-10
Kukulka CG, Brown DM, Basmajian JV. (1975) A preliminary report: biofeedback training for early finger joint mobilization. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy : Official Publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association. 29: 469-70
Kukulka CG, Basmajian JV. (1975) Assessment of an audio-visual feedback device used in motor training,. American Journal of Physical Medicine. 54: 194-208
Takebe K, Narayan MG, Kukulka C, et al. (1975) Slowing of nerve conduction velocity in hemiplegia: possible factors. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 56: 285-9
Basmajian JV, Kukulka CG, Narayan MG, et al. (1975) Biofeedback treatment of foot-drop after stroke compared with standard rehabilitation technique: effects on voluntary control and strength. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 56: 231-6
Takebe K, Kukulka C, Narayan MG, et al. (1975) Peroneal nerve stimulator in rehabilitation of hemiplegic patients. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 56: 237-9
Basmajian JV, Newton WJ. (1974) Feedback training of parts of buccinator muscle in man. Psychophysiology. 11: 92
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