Volker Hömberg

Rehabilitation Hospital Bad Wimpfen Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany 
"Volker Hömberg"
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Hömberg V. (2013) Neurorehabilitation approaches to facilitate motor recovery. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. 110: 161-73
Thaut MH, Stephan KM, Wunderlich G, et al. (2009) Distinct cortico-cerebellar activations in rhythmic auditory motor synchronization. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 45: 44-53
Bütefisch CM, Wessling M, Netz J, et al. (2008) Relationship between interhemispheric inhibition and motor cortex excitability in subacute stroke patients. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 22: 4-21
Müller K, Bütefisch CM, Seitz RJ, et al. (2007) Mental practice improves hand function after hemiparetic stroke. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. 25: 501-11
Weller P, Wittsack HJ, Siebler M, et al. (2006) Motor recovery as assessed with isometric finger movements and perfusion magnetic resonance imaging after acute ischemic stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 20: 390-7
Liepert J, Seitz RJ, Bütefisch CM, et al. (2006) Erholung im motorischen System nach Hirnschädigung Nervenheilkunde. 25: 933-940
Platz T, Liepert J, Seitz RJ, et al. (2006) Motor system recovery after brain damage - Mechanisms of recovery and development of restorative therapy - Initiatives and results from the rehabilitation subnet of the German competence net stroke | Erholung im motorischen system nach hirnschädigung: Mechanismen der erholung und therapieentwicklung - Initiativen und ergebnisse aus dem subnetz "rehabilitation nach schlaganfall" des kompetenznetzes schlaganfall Nervenheilkunde. 25: 933-940
Bütefisch CM, Kleiser R, Körber B, et al. (2005) Recruitment of contralesional motor cortex in stroke patients with recovery of hand function Neurology. 64: 1067-1069
Seitz RJ, Bütefisch CM, Kleiser R, et al. (2004) Reorganisation of cerebral circuits in human ischemic brain disease. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. 22: 207-29
Bütefisch CM, Netz J, Wessling M, et al. (2003) Remote changes in cortical excitability after stroke. Brain : a Journal of Neurology. 126: 470-81
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