Gusang Kwon

2016- Biomedical Engineering SungKyunKwan University, Seoul, South Korea 
"Gusang Kwon"
Mean distance: 14.97 (cluster 17)
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Kwon G, Kim MY, Lim S, et al. (2015) Frontoparietal EEG alpha-phase synchrony reflects differential attentional demands during word recall and oculomotor dual-tasks. Neuroreport. 26: 1161-7
Kwon G, Lim S, Kim MY, et al. (2015) Individual differences in oscillatory brain activity in response to varying attentional demands during a word recall and oculomotor dual task. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 9: 381
Lee EJ, Kwon G, Lee A, et al. (2011) Individual differences in working memory capacity determine the effects of oculomotor task load on concurrent word recall performance. Brain Research. 1399: 59-65
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