Erika K. Johnson-Jimenez, Ph.D.

2004 University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Mental Health
"Erika Johnson-Jimenez"
Mean distance: 7615.15 (cluster 54)


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Gerard A. Jacobs grad student 2004 University of South Dakota
 (Utilization of disaster mental health services by workers following a terrorist attack.)
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Gaher RM, Simons JS, Jacobs GA, et al. (2006) Coping motives and trait negative affect: testing mediation and moderation models of alcohol problems among American Red Cross disaster workers who responded to the September 11,2001 terrorist attacks. Addictive Behaviors. 31: 1319-30
Simons JS, Gaher RM, Jacobs GA, et al. (2005) Associations between alcohol use and PTSD symptoms among American Red Cross disaster relief workers responding to the 9/11/2001 attacks. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 31: 285-304
McCaslin SE, Jacobs GA, Meyer DL, et al. (2005) How does negative life change following disaster response impact distress among Red Cross responders? Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 36: 246-253
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