Tracy DeHart, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2003 | State University of New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States |
Social Psychology, Personality PsychologyGoogle:
"Tracy DeHart"Mean distance: 35622
Sign in to add mentorBrett W. Pelham | grad student | 2003 | SUNY Buffalo | |
(The hidden effects of early experiences: The origins and stability of implicit self -esteem.) | ||||
Howard A. Tennen | post-doc | 2004-2006 | University of Connecticut School of Medicine (Nursing Tree) | |
(Source: Personal Communication (Howard A. Tennen, 2023)) |
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Pelham BW, DeHart T, Shimizu M, et al. (2021) Identity Selection and the Social Construction of Birthdays. Frontiers in Psychology. 12: 693776 |
Hisler GC, Krizan Z, DeHart T, et al. (2020) Neuroticism as the intensity, reactivity, and variability in day-to-day affect Journal of Research in Personality. 87: 103964 |
Hamilton HR, DeHart T. (2020) Cheers to Equality! Both Hostile and Benevolent Sexism Predict Increases in College Women’s Alcohol Consumption Sex Roles. 1-10 |
Hamilton HR, DeHart T. (2019) Needs and Norms: Testing the Effects of Negative Interpersonal Interactions, the Need to Belong, and Perceived Norms on Alcohol Consumption. Journal of Studies On Alcohol and Drugs. 80: 340-348 |
Peterson JL, DeHart T, Bellows A, et al. (2019) Partner self-esteem and interpersonal risk: Rejection from a low self-esteem partner constrains connection and increases depletion Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 80: 17-30 |
Hisler GC, Krizan Z, DeHart T. (2018) Does Stress Explain the Effect of Sleep on Self-Control Difficulties? A Month-Long Daily Diary Study. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin. 146167218798823 |
Hamilton HR, DeHart T. (2016) Drinking to belong: The effect of a friendship threat and self-esteem on college student drinking Self and Identity. 16: 1-15 |
Peterson JL, DeHart T. (2014) In Defense of Self-Love: An Observational Study on Narcissists' Negative Behavior During Romantic Relationship Conflict Self and Identity. 13: 477-490 |
DeHart T, Longua Peterson J, Richeson JA, et al. (2014) A Diary Study of Daily Perceived Mistreatment and Alcohol Consumption in College Students Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 36: 443-451 |
Longua Peterson J, DeHart T. (2013) Regulating connection: Implicit self-esteem predicts positive non-verbal behavior during romantic relationship-threat Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 49: 99-105 |