Cameron L. Gordon, Ph.D.

2006 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology
"Cameron Gordon"
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Donald Baucom grad student 2006 UNC Chapel Hill
 (Intimacy and autonomy development in marriage: An examination of the first five years.)
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Hogan JN, Gordon CL. (2020) “Six of One, Half a Dozen of Another” or Do Mindfulness and Gratitude Each Add Unique Value to Relationship Functioning? Contemporary Family Therapy. 42: 299-304
Lenger KA, Gordon CL. (2019) To have and to savor: Examining the associations between savoring and relationship satisfaction. Couple and Family Psychology. 8: 1-9
Nguyen SP, Gordon CL. (2019) The Relationship Between Gratitude and Happiness in Young Children Journal of Happiness Studies. 1-15
Lenger KA, Gordon CL, Nguyen SP. (2019) A Word to the Wise: Age Matters When Considering Mindfulness in Romantic Relationships Contemporary Family Therapy. 41: 115-124
Lenger KA, Gordon CL, Nguyen SP. (2017) Intra-Individual and Cross-Partner Associations Between the Five Facets of Mindfulness and Relationship Satisfaction Mindfulness. 8: 171-180
Gordon CL, Luo S. (2011) The Personal Expansion Questionnaire: Measuring one's tendency to expand through novelty and augmentation Personality and Individual Differences. 51: 89-94
Gordon CL, Arnette RAM, Smith RE. (2011) Have you thanked your spouse today?: Felt and expressed gratitude among married couples Personality and Individual Differences. 50: 339-343
Gordon CL, Baucom DH. (2009) Examining the individual within marriage: Personal strengths and relationship satisfaction Personal Relationships. 16: 421-435
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