Sonya Negriff, Ph.D.

2007 Psychology University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
Developmental Psychology
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Penelope Trickett grad student 2007 USC
 (The relationship between pubertal timing and delinquent behavior in maltreated male and female adolescents.)
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Peckins MK, Negriff S, Gordis EB, et al. (2023) Maltreatment type differences in cortisol stress response trajectories across adolescence. Child Development
Schneiderman JU, Davis JP, Negriff S. (2021) Associations Between Psychosocial Functioning and Physical Health in Youth with Maltreatment Experiences. Children and Youth Services Review. 127
Schneiderman JU, Davis JP, Negriff S. (2021) Associations Between Psychosocial Functioning and Physical Health in Youth with Maltreatment Experiences. Children and Youth Services Review. 127
Negriff S. (2020) Expanding our Understanding of Intergenerational Exposure to Adversity. Children and Youth Services Review. 118
Schneiderman JU, Kennedy AK, Granger TA, et al. (2020) Predictors and correlates of unstable housing experiences among a child welfare-involved sample. Journal of Public Child Welfare. 14: 192-208
Cederbaum JA, Negriff S, Palmer Molina A. (2020) Child maltreatment and romantic relationships in adolescence and young adulthood: The mediating role of self-perception. Child Abuse & Neglect. 109: 104718
Negriff S. (2020) Childhood adversities and mental health outcomes: Does the perception or age of the event matter? Development and Psychopathology. 1-14
Negriff S, Palmer Molina A, Hackman DA. (2020) Parental Exposure to Childhood Maltreatment and Offspring's Mental Health: Investigating Pathways Through Parental Adversity and Offspring Exposure to Maltreatment. Child Maltreatment. 1077559520912342
Negriff S. (2020) How the structure of egocentric Facebook networks is associated with exposure to risky content for maltreated versus comparison youth Children and Youth Services Review. 109: 104700
Kennedy AK, Schneiderman JU, Negriff S. (2020) Body appreciation and body dissatisfaction between maltreated and comparison adolescents Children and Youth Services Review. 108: 104514
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