Gerard "Gerry" Gioia

National Children's Hospital, Washington, DC, Washington, DC, United States 
Pediatric neuropsychology, executive function
"Gerard "Gerry" Gioia"

Co-wrote the APA Div. 40 PIAC pamphlet on "Pediatric Neuropsychology" with Elsa Shapiro and Karen Wills.

Mean distance: 18.75 (cluster 25)
BETA: Related publications


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Gagnon I, Teel E, Gioia G, et al. (2020) Parent-Child Agreement on Postconcussion Symptoms in the Acute Postinjury Period. Pediatrics
Lumba-Brown A, Ghajar J, Cornwell J, et al. (2019) Representation of concussion subtypes in common postconcussion symptom-rating scales. Concussion (London, England). 4: CNC65
Lumba-Brown A, Teramoto M, Bloom OJ, et al. (2019) Concussion Guidelines Step 2: Evidence for Subtype Classification. Neurosurgery
Teel EF, Zemek RL, Tang K, et al. (2019) The Stability of Retrospective Pre-injury Symptom Ratings Following Pediatric Concussion. Frontiers in Neurology. 10: 672
Yeates KO, Tang K, Barrowman NJ, et al. (2019) Derivation and initial validation of clinical phenotypes of children presenting with concussion acutely in the Emergency Department: Latent class analysis of a multicentre, prospective cohort, observational study. Journal of Neurotrauma
Gerst EH, D S, Gioia GA. (2019) Fatigue After Concussion: Do Children and Their Parents Report the Same Changes? Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 34: 772-772
Davis GA, Purcell L, Schneider KJ, et al. (2017) The Child Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th Edition (Child SCAT5). British Journal of Sports Medicine
Novak Z, Aglipay M, Barrowman N, et al. (2016) Association of Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms With Pediatric Quality of Life. Jama Pediatrics. e162900
Zemek R, Barrowman N, Freedman SB, et al. (2016) Clinical Risk Score for Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms Among Children With Acute Concussion in the ED. Jama. 315: 1014-25
Terwilliger V, Pratson L, Vaughan C, et al. (2015) Additional Post-Concussion Impact Exposure May Affect Recovery in Adolescent Athletes. Journal of Neurotrauma
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