Jeremy D. Jewell, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2001 | University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. |
Educational Psychology Education, Clinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Social PsychologyGoogle:
"Jeremy Jewell"Mean distance: 4304.15
Sign in to add mentorKevin Stark | grad student | 2001 | UT Austin | |
(The family environment of conduct disordered children and adolescents with depressed parents.) |
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Jewell J, Schmittel M, McCobin A, et al. (2017) The Children First Program: The Effectiveness of a Parent Education Program for Divorcing Parents Journal of Divorce & Remarriage. 58: 16-28 |
Jewell JD, Malone MD, Rose P, et al. (2015) A multiyear follow-up study examining the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral group therapy program on the recidivism of juveniles on probation. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 59: 259-72 |
Everett GE, Harsy JD, Hupp SDA, et al. (2014) An investigation of the Look-Ask-Pick mnemonic to improve fraction skills Education and Treatment of Children. 37: 371-391 |
Jewell JD, Elliff SJ. (2013) An Investigation of the Effectiveness of the Relaxation Skills Violence Prevention (RSVP) Program With Juvenile Detainees Criminal Justice and Behavior. 40: 203-213 |
Brown DL, Jewell JD, Stevens AL, et al. (2012) Suicidal Risk in Adolescent Residential Treatment: Being Female Is More Important Than a Depression Diagnosis Journal of Child and Family Studies. 21: 359-367 |
Jewell JD, Brown DL, Smith G, et al. (2010) Examining the influence of caregiver ethnicity on youth placed in out of home care: Ethnicity matters - for some Children and Youth Services Review. 32: 1278-1284 |
Dodd S, Hupp SDA, Jewell JD, et al. (2008) Using parents and siblings during a social story intervention for two children diagnosed with PDD-NOS Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. 20: 217-229 |
Jewell JD, Beyers S. (2007) Rearing the Sad or Mad: Differentiating the Family Environments of Depressed Versus Conduct Disordered Youth The International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy. 4: 82-94 |
Jewell J, Hupp SD. (2005) Examining the effects of fatal vision goggles on changing attitudes and behaviors related to drinking and driving. The Journal of Primary Prevention. 26: 553-65 |
Jewell J, Handwerk M, Almquist J, et al. (2004) Comparing the validity of clinician-generated diagnosis of conduct disorder to the diagnostic interview schedule for children. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology : the Official Journal For the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53. 33: 536-46 |