Gerald S. Hecht

Southern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 
Prenatal Cocaine Exposure, Animal Model, Sex Differences
"Gerald Hecht"

child of Spear NE, Spear LP, Woolverton WL, Porter LH, Di Lorenzo PM, Brosvic GM

Mean distance: 15.3 (cluster 19)


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LH Porter grad student West Chester University of PA
Patricia M. Di Lorenzo grad student 1991-1994 Binghamton University
Linda P. Spear grad student 1994-1997 Binghamton University
 (First intravenous cocaine self-administration study of female rats over entire reproductive cycle)
William  L. Woolverton post-doc 1997-1999 University of Mississippi Medical Center
 (halogenated analogs of benztropine as cocaine like DAT ligands --
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Copeland AL, Kulesza M, Hecht GS. (2009) Pre-quit depression level and smoking expectancies for mood management predict the nature of smoking withdrawal symptoms in college women smokers. Addictive Behaviors. 34: 481-3
Woolverton WL, Hecht GS, Agoston GE, et al. (2001) Further studies of the reinforcing effects of benztropine analogs in rhesus monkeys. Psychopharmacology. 154: 375-82
Hecht GS, Spear NE, Spear LP. (1999) Changes in progressive ratio responding for intravenous cocaine throughout the reproductive process in female rats. Developmental Psychobiology. 35: 136-45
Hecht GS, Spear NE, Spear LP. (1998) Alterations in the reinforcing efficacy of cocaine in adult rats following prenatal exposure to cocaine. Behavioral Neuroscience. 112: 410-8
Di Lorenzo PM, Hecht GS. (1993) Perceptual consequences of electrical stimulation in the gustatory system. Behavioral Neuroscience. 107: 130-8
Porter LH, Hecht GS, Sheaffer R. (1993) Disturbances in the performance of thermal discrimination tasks following cortical ablations in rats. Brain Research. 621: 319-30
Brosvic GM, Hecht GS, LaHaye S, et al. (1991) Quality-specific differences in rat taste detection performance as a function of stimulus volume. Physiology & Behavior. 50: 711-6
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