Claus Bundesen
Affiliations: | University of Copenhagen, København, Denmark |
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Caballero-Puntiverio M, Prichardt S, Klem L, et al. (2020) Gabor patterns as stimuli in a rodent visual attention task. Neuroscience Letters. 728: 134970 |
Larsen A, Markussen B, Bundesen C. (2020) Comparing exponential race and signal detection models of encoding stimuli into visual short-term memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance |
Blurton SP, Kyllingsbæk S, Nielsen CS, et al. (2020) A Poisson random walk model of response times. Psychological Review. 127: 362-411 |
Li K, Kadohisa M, Kusunoki M, et al. (2020) Distinguishing between parallel and serial processing in visual attention from neurobiological data. Royal Society Open Science. 7: 191553 |
Low AM, Vangkilde S, le Sommer J, et al. (2018) Visual attention in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder before and after stimulant treatment. Psychological Medicine. 1-9 |
Bundesen C. (2018) In defense of limited-processing-capacity models for encoding into visual short-term memory: Comment on Sewell, Lilburn, and Smith (2014). Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 44: 1142-1143 |
Christensen JH, Markussen B, Bundesen C, et al. (2018) A physiologically based nonhomogeneous Poisson counter model of visual identification. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance |
Nordfang M, Staugaard C, Bundesen C. (2017) Attentional weights in vision as products of spatial and nonspatial components. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review |
Petersen A, Petersen AH, Bundesen C, et al. (2017) The effect of phasic auditory alerting on visual perception. Cognition. 165: 73-81 |
Wiegand I, Petersen A, Finke K, et al. (2017) Behavioral and Brain Measures of Phasic Alerting Effects on Visual Attention. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 11: 176 |