Kristen W. Springer, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2006 | University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI |
General, Individual and Family Studies, Women's Studies, Gender StudiesGoogle:
"Kristen Springer"Parents
Sign in to add mentorRobert M. Hauser | grad student | 2006 | UW Madison | |
(His and her marriage today: The impact of wives' employment on husbands' later mid -life health.) |
Sign in to add traineeMary S. Himmelstein | grad student | 2011-2016 | Rutgers, New Brunswick (Neurotree) |
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Himmelstein MS, Kramer BL, Springer KW. (2019) Stress in strong convictions: Precarious manhood beliefs moderate cortisol reactivity to masculinity threats. Psychology of Men & Masculinities. 20: 491-502 |
Springer KW, Mouzon DM. (2018) One Step Toward More Research on Aging Masculinities: Operationalizing the Hegemonic Masculinity for Older Men Scale (HMOMS) The Journal of Men’S Studies. 27: 183-203 |
Springer KW, Lee C, Carr D. (2017) Spousal Breadwinning Across 30 Years of Marriage and Husbands' Health: A Gendered Life Course Stress Approach. Journal of Aging and Health. 898264317721824 |
Kramer BL, Himmelstein MS, Springer KW. (2017) Getting to the Heart of Masculinity Stressors: Masculinity Threats Induce Pronounced Vagal Withdrawal During a Speaking Task. Annals of Behavioral Medicine : a Publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine |
Hankivsky O, Springer KW, Bates LM. (2015) Response to Johnson and Beaudet's commentary: Moving beyond sex and gender reporting in health research. Canadian Journal of Public Health = Revue Canadienne De Santé Publique. 106: e165 |
Hansen HB, Donaldson Z, Link BG, et al. (2013) Independent review of social and population variation in mental health could improve diagnosis in DSM revisions. Health Affairs (Project Hope). 32: 984-93 |
Carr D, Murphy LF, Batson HD, et al. (2013) Bigger Is Not Always Better: The Effect of Obesity on Sexual Satisfaction and Behavior of Adult Men in the United States Men and Masculinities. 16: 452-477 |
Springer KW, Hankivsky O, Bates LM. (2012) Gender and health: relational, intersectional, and biosocial approaches. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 74: 1661-6 |
Springer KW, Mager Stellman J, Jordan-Young RM. (2012) Beyond a catalogue of differences: a theoretical frame and good practice guidelines for researching sex/gender in human health. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 74: 1817-24 |
Springer KW, Mouzon DM. (2011) "Macho men" and preventive health care: implications for older men in different social classes. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 52: 212-27 |