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Leonardo Chelazzi

University of Verona, Verona, WI, United States 
"Leonardo Chelazzi"
Mean distance: 12.95 (cluster 29)
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Dolci C, Rashal E, Santandrea E, et al. (2024) The dynamics of statistical learning in visual search and its interaction with salience processing: an EEG study. Neuroimage. 120514
Beffara B, Hadj-Bouziane F, Hamed SB, et al. (2023) Separate and overlapping mechanisms of statistical regularities and salience processing in the occipital cortex and dorsal attention network. Human Brain Mapping
Ferrante O, Chelazzi L, Santandrea E. (2023) Statistical learning of target and distractor spatial probability shape a common attentional priority computation. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 169: 95-117
Dolci C, Boehler CN, Santandrea E, et al. (2023) Integrated effects of top-down attention and statistical learning during visual search: An EEG study. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Rashal E, Santandrea E, Ben-Hamed S, et al. (2023) Effects of top-down and bottom-up attention on post-selection posterior contralateral negativity. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Beffara B, Hadj-Bouziane F, Hamed SB, et al. (2022) Dynamic causal interactions between occipital and parietal cortex explain how endogenous spatial attention and stimulus-driven salience jointly shape the distribution of processing priorities in 2D visual space. Neuroimage. 119206
Rashal E, Senoussi M, Santandrea E, et al. (2022) An EEG study of the combined effects of top-down and bottom-up attentional selection under varying task difficulty. Psychophysiology. e14002
Picelli A, Filippetti M, Del Piccolo L, et al. (2020) Rehabilitation and Biomarkers of Stroke Recovery: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Neurology. 11: 618200
Lega C, Santandrea E, Ferrante O, et al. (2020) Modulating the influence of recent trial history on attentional capture via transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of right TPJ. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 133: 149-160
Lega C, Pirruccio M, Bicego M, et al. (2020) The topography of visually-guided grasping in the premotor cortex: a dense-transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) mapping study. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
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