JoAnn E. Franck

University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, United States 
"JoAnn Franck"
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Nakajima S, Franck JE, Bilkey D, et al. (1991) Local circuit synaptic interactions between CA1 pyramidal cells and interneurons in the kainate-lesioned hyperexcitable hippocampus. Hippocampus. 1: 67-78
Franck JE, Roberts DL. (1990) Combined kainate and ischemia produces 'mesial temporal sclerosis'. Neuroscience Letters. 118: 159-63
Newell DW, Malouf AT, Franck JE. (1990) Glutamate-mediated selective vulnerability to ischemia is present in organotypic cultures of hippocampus. Neuroscience Letters. 116: 325-30
Franck JE, Ginter KL, Schwartzkroin PA. (1989) Developing genetically epilepsy-prone rats have an abnormal seizure response to flurothyl. Epilepsia. 30: 1-6
Franck JE, Kunkel DD, Baskin DG, et al. (1988) Inhibition in kainate-lesioned hyperexcitable hippocampi: physiologic, autoradiographic, and immunocytochemical observations. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 8: 1991-2002
Hjeresen DL, Franck JE, Amend DL. (1987) Ontogeny of seizure incidence, latency, and severity in genetically epilepsy prone rats. Developmental Psychobiology. 20: 355-63
Chisholm J, Kellogg C, Franck JE. (1985) Developmental hyperthermic seizures alter adult hippocampal benzodiazepine binding and morphology. Epilepsia. 26: 151-7
Franck JE, Schwartzkroin PA. (1984) Immature rabbit hippocampus is damaged by systemic but not intraventricular kainic acid. Brain Research. 315: 219-27
Ward IL, Franck JE, Crowley WR. (1977) Central progesterone induces female sexual behavior in estrogen-primed intact males rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 91: 1416-23
Ward IL, Franck JE, Crowley WR. (1977) Central progesterone induces female sexual behavior in estrogen-primed intact male rats Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 91: 1417-1423
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