Ashok K. Lalwani
Affiliations: | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL |
"Ashok Lalwani"Mean distance: 10686.6
Sign in to add mentorKent B. Monroe | grad student | 2006 | UIUC | |
(Negativity and positivity biases in product evaluations: The impact of consumer goals and prior attitudes.) |
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Lee H, Lalwani AK, Wang JJ. (2020) Price No Object!: The Impact of Power Distance Belief on Consumers’ Price Sensitivity Journal of Marketing. 2224292092971 |
Park H, Lalwani AK, Silvera DH. (2020) The Impact of Resource Scarcity on Price-Quality Judgments Journal of Consumer Research. 46: 1110-1124 |
Lalwani AK, Wang JJ, Silvera DH. (2020) How does cultural self-construal influence regulatory mode? Journal of Business Research. 117: 368-377 |
Wang JJ, Torelli CJ, Lalwani AK. (2020) The interactive effect of power distance belief and consumers’ status on preference for national (vs. private-label) brands Journal of Business Research. 107: 1-12 |
Koo M, Shavitt S, Lalwani AK, et al. (2020) Engaging in a culturally mismatched thinking style increases the preference for familiar consumer options for analytic but not holistic thinkers International Journal of Research in Marketing |
Yang Z, Sun S, Lalwani AK, et al. (2019) How Does Consumers’ Local or Global Identity Influence Price–Perceived Quality Associations? The Role of Perceived Quality Variance: Journal of Marketing. 83: 145-162 |
Wang JJ, Lalwani AK. (2018) The distinct influence of power distance perception and power distance values on customer satisfaction in response to loyalty programs International Journal of Research in Marketing. 36: 580-596 |
Lalwani AK, Forcum L. (2016) Does a Dollar Get You a Dollar’s Worth of Merchandise? The Impact of Power Distance Belief on Price-Quality Judgments Journal of Consumer Research. 43: 317-333 |
Lalwani AK, Shavitt S. (2013) You get what you pay for? Self-construal influences price-quality judgments Journal of Consumer Research. 40: 255-267 |
Lalwani AK, Shrum LJ, Chiu CY. (2009) Motivated response styles: the role of cultural values, regulatory focus, and self-consciousness in socially desirable responding. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 96: 870-82 |