James M. Fadool

Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United States 
retinal development
"James Fadool"
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Zelinka CP, Sotolongo-Lopez M, Fadool JM. (2018) Targeted disruption of the endogenous zebrafish locus as models of rapid rod photoreceptor degeneration. Molecular Vision. 24: 587-602
Sotolongo-Lopez M, Alvarez-Delfin K, Saade CJ, et al. (2016) Genetic Dissection of Dual Roles for the Transcription Factor six7 in Photoreceptor Development and Patterning in Zebrafish. Plos Genetics. 12: e1005968
Taylor SM, Alvarez-Delfin K, Saade CJ, et al. (2015) The bHLH Transcription Factor NeuroD Governs Photoreceptor Genesis and Regeneration Through Delta-Notch Signaling. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 56: 7496-7515
Yoshimatsu T, Williams PR, D'Orazi FD, et al. (2014) Transmission from the dominant input shapes the stereotypic ratio of photoreceptor inputs onto horizontal cells. Nature Communications. 5: 3699
Saade CJ, Alvarez-Delfin K, Fadool JM. (2013) Rod photoreceptors protect from cone degeneration-induced retinal remodeling and restore visual responses in zebrafish. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 33: 1804-14
Morris AC, Forbes-Osborne MA, Pillai LS, et al. (2011) Microarray analysis of XOPS-mCFP zebrafish retina identifies genes associated with rod photoreceptor degeneration and regeneration. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 52: 2255-66
Brockerhoff SE, Fadool JM. (2011) Genetics of photoreceptor degeneration and regeneration in zebrafish. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences : Cmls. 68: 651-9
Perkins BD, Fadool JM. (2010) Photoreceptor structure and development analyses using GFP transgenes. Methods in Cell Biology. 100: 205-18
Alvarez-Delfin K, Morris AC, Snelson CD, et al. (2009) Tbx2b is required for ultraviolet photoreceptor cell specification during zebrafish retinal development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106: 2023-8
Morris AC, Scholz TL, Brockerhoff SE, et al. (2008) Genetic dissection reveals two separate pathways for rod and cone regeneration in the teleost retina. Developmental Neurobiology. 68: 605-19
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