Brian D. Perkins
Affiliations: | 2004-2012 | Biology | Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States |
2012- | Cole Eye Institute | The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States |
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"Brian Perkins"Mean distance: 14.19 (cluster 11) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorTheodore G. Wensel | grad student | 1996-2000 | Baylor College of Medicine |
John E. Dowling | post-doc | 2000-2004 | Harvard |
Sign in to add traineeEmma Lessieur | grad student | Cleveland Clinic | |
Sujita Sukumaran | grad student | Texas A & M | |
Bryan L. Krock | grad student | 2009 | Texas A & M |
Lauren Daniele | post-doc | Cleveland Clinic | |
Joseph Fogerty | post-doc | Cleveland Clinic (Anatomy Tree) |
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Song P, Parsana D, Singh R, et al. (2024) Photoreceptor regeneration occurs normally in microglia-deficient irf8 mutant zebrafish following acute retinal damage. Scientific Reports. 14: 20146 |
Perkins BD, Lobo GP, Kondkar AA, et al. (2023) Editorial: Inherited retinal dystrophies: a light at the end of the tunnel? Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 11: 1301279 |
Grabinski SE, Parsana D, Perkins BD. (2023) Comparative analysis of transcriptional changes in zebrafish and mutants by RNA-seq reveals upregulation of inflammatory and stress-related pathways. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 16: 1148840 |
Wang J, Thomas HR, Thompson RG, et al. (2022) Variable phenotypes and penetrance between and within different zebrafish ciliary transition zone mutants. Disease Models & Mechanisms. 15 |
Perkins BD. (2022) Zebrafish models of inherited retinal dystrophies. Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics. 6: 95-110 |
Fogerty J, Song P, Boyd P, et al. (2022) Notch inhibition promotes regeneration and immunosuppression supports cone survival in a zebrafish model of inherited retinal dystrophy. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience |
Banerjee S, Ranspach LE, Luo X, et al. (2022) Vision and sensorimotor defects associated with loss of Vps11 function in a zebrafish model of genetic leukoencephalopathy. Scientific Reports. 12: 3511 |
Gulluni F, Prever L, Li H, et al. (2021) PI(3,4)P2-mediated cytokinetic abscission prevents early senescence and cataract formation. Science (New York, N.Y.). 374: eabk0410 |
Fogerty J, Perkins BD. (2021) Knockout of the CEP290 gene in human induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Research. 52: 102243 |
Song P, Fogerty J, Cianciolo LT, et al. (2020) Cone Photoreceptor Degeneration and Neuroinflammation in the Zebrafish Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 2 () Mutant Does Not Lead to Retinal Regeneration. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 8: 578528 |