Andrea Bari, Ph.D.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
cognition, executive functions, psychopharmacology
"Andrea Bari"
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Luo Q, Kanen JW, Bari A, et al. (2023) Comparable roles for serotonin in rats and humans for computations underlying flexible decision-making. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology
Takeuchi D, Roy D, Muralidhar S, et al. (2022) Cingulate-motor circuits update rule representations for sequential choice decisions. Nature Communications. 13: 4545
Bari A, Xu S, Pignatelli M, et al. (2020) Differential attentional control mechanisms by two distinct noradrenergic coeruleo-frontal cortical pathways. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Bari A, Dec A, Lee AW, et al. (2015) Enhanced inhibitory control by neuropeptide Y Y5 receptor blockade in rats. Psychopharmacology. 232: 959-73
Bari A, Robbins TW. (2013) Inhibition and impulsivity: behavioral and neural basis of response control. Progress in Neurobiology. 108: 44-79
Bari A, Robbins TW. (2013) Noradrenergic versus dopaminergic modulation of impulsivity, attention and monitoring behaviour in rats performing the stop-signal task: possible relevance to ADHD. Psychopharmacology. 230: 89-111
Bari A, Aston-Jones G. (2013) Atomoxetine modulates spontaneous and sensory-evoked discharge of locus coeruleus noradrenergic neurons. Neuropharmacology. 64: 53-64
Gilmour G, Arguello A, Bari A, et al. (2013) Measuring the construct of executive control in schizophrenia: defining and validating translational animal paradigms for discovery research. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 37: 2125-40
Bari A, Mar AC, Theobald DE, et al. (2011) Prefrontal and monoaminergic contributions to stop-signal task performance in rats. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 31: 9254-63
Bari A, Robbins TW. (2011) Animal models of ADHD. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences. 7: 149-85
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