Sanjay G. Manohar

2007-2013 Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience University College London, London, United Kingdom 
 2013- Psychology University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
Cognition, Decision making
Mean distance: 13.77 (cluster 29)


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Roger HS Carpenter research assistant 1998-2002 Cambridge
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran research assistant 2002-2002 UCSD
Masud Husain grad student 2007- UCL
John D. Mollon grad student 2000-2000 Cambridge
Jon Driver grad student 2004-2011 UCL
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Tai XY, Torzillo E, Lyall DM, et al. (2023) Association of Dementia Risk With Focal Epilepsy and Modifiable Cardiovascular Risk Factors. Jama Neurology
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