Abdeslam Mouihate

Kuwait University, Al Asimah Governate, Kuwait 
"Abdeslam Mouihate"
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Kalakh S, Mouihate A. (2024) The Effects of Neuroactive Steroids On Myelin in Health and Disease. Medical Principles and Practice : International Journal of the Kuwait University, Health Science Centre
Mouihate A, Kalakh S. (2023) Breastfeeding promotes oligodendrocyte precursor cells division and myelination in the demyelinated corpus callosum. Brain Research. 1821: 148584
Abul M, Al-Bader MD, Mouihate A. (2022) Prenatal Activation of Glucocorticoid Receptors Induces Memory Impairment in a Sex-Dependent Manner: Role of Cyclooxygenase-2. Molecular Neurobiology
Mouihate A, Kalakh S. (2021) Maternal Interleukin-6 Hampers Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Adult Rat Offspring in a Sex-Dependent Manner. Developmental Neuroscience. 1-10
Henkel AW, Mouihate A, Welzel O. (2019) Differential Release of Exocytosis Marker Dyes Indicates Stimulation-Dependent Regulation of Synaptic Activity. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 13: 1047
Mouihate A, Kalakh S. (2019) Ganaxolone enhances microglial clearance activity and promotes remyelination in focal demyelination in the corpus callosum of ovariectomized rats. Cns Neuroscience & Therapeutics
Kalakh S, Mouihate A. (2019) Enhanced remyelination during late pregnancy: involvement of the GABAergic system. Scientific Reports. 9: 7728
Mouihate A, Kalakh S, AlMutairi R, et al. (2019) Prenatal Inflammation Dampens Neurogenesis and Enhances Serotonin Transporter Expression in the Hippocampus of Adult Female Rats. Medical Principles and Practice : International Journal of the Kuwait University, Health Science Centre
Abul M, Al-Bader MD, Mouihate A. (2018) Exposure to synthetic glucocorticoids during pregnancy alters the expression of p73 gene variants in fetal brains in a sex-specific manner. Brain Research
Mouihate A, Al-Hashash H, Rakhshani-Moghadam S, et al. (2017) Impact of prenatal immune challenge on the demyelination injury during adulthood. Cns Neuroscience & Therapeutics
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