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Albert Potter Wills grad student 1927 Columbia
 (On the principal magnetic susceptibilities of crystals)
Niels Bohr post-doc 1927 Københavns Universitet
Arnold Johannes Wilhelm Sommerfeld post-doc 1927 Universität München
Otto Stern post-doc 1928 Universität Hamburg


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Arthur Robert Kantrowitz research assistant 1934-1936 Columbia (E-Tree)
Sidney Millman grad student 1935 Columbia
Lloyd Motz grad student 1936 Columbia
Henry Cutler Torrey grad student 1937 Columbia
Donald Ross Hamilton grad student 1939 Columbia
Julian Schwinger grad student 1939 Columbia
Norman F. Ramsey grad student 1940 Columbia
William Aaron Nierenberg grad student 1947 Columbia
Harold Brown grad student 1949 Columbia
Vernon W. Hughes grad student 1950 Columbia
Robert S. Ledley grad student 1950 Columbia
Daniel Isadore Bolef grad student 1952 Columbia
Herbert J. Zeiger grad student 1952 Columbia
Gabriel Weinreich grad student 1953 Columbia
Martin L. Perl grad student 1955 Columbia
John Henry Manley post-doc 1934-1936 Columbia


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Jerrold R. Zacharias collaborator 1934-1940 Columbia
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Rabi II, Zacharias JR, Millman S, et al. (1992) Milestones in magnetic resonance: 'a new method of measuring nuclear magnetic moment' . 1938. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging : Jmri. 2: 131-3
Meisel A, Feld BT, Lapp RE, et al. (1973) A Voice of Conscience Is Stilled Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 29: 4-12
Buck P, Rabi II. (1957) Hyperfine structure of K39 in the 4P state Physical Review. 107: 1291-1294
Rabi II, Ramsey NF, Schwinger J. (1954) Use of rotating coordinates in magnetic resonance problems Reviews of Modern Physics. 26: 167-171
Oppenheimer JR, Buckley OE, Conant JB, et al. (1949) AEC Advisory Committee Statement on Fellowships Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 5: 210-254
Nierenberg WA, Rabi II, Slotnick M. (1948) A note on the stark effect in diatomic molecules Physical Review. 73: 1430-1433
Urey HC, Rabi II, Goldhamer H, et al. (1948) Comments on Dr. Bridgman's Article Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 4: 72-75
Bloch F, Rabi II. (1945) Atoms in variable magnetic fields Reviews of Modern Physics. 17: 237-244
Kellogg JMB, Rabi II, Ramsey NF, et al. (1940) An electrical quadrupole moment of the deuteron the radiofrequency spectra of HD and D2 molecules in a magnetic field Physical Review. 57: 677-695
Kellogg JMB, Rabi II, Ramsey NF, et al. (1939) The magnetic moments of the proton and the deuteron the radiofrequency spectrum of H2 in various magnetic fields Physical Review. 56: 728-743
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