Theresa Lii

Brown University, Providence, RI 
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"Theresa Lii"
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Michael J. Iadarola research assistant 2011- NIH
Carl Y. Saab research assistant 2012- Brown
Michael A. Paradiso research assistant 2009-2010 Brown
Peter A. McNaughton research assistant 2010-2011 Cambridge
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Gilam G, Darnall B, Edwards KA, et al. (2024) "Evidence-based" needs to be based on evidence - a response to Giddon's letter regarding Edwards et al., Is there an association between lateralization of chronic pain in the body and depression? The Journal of Pain. 104617
Edwards KA, Lii T, Schouten TD, et al. (2024) Is there an association between lateralization of chronic pain in the body and depression? The Journal of Pain
Lii TR, Singh V. (2023) Ketamine for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A Narrative Review Highlighting Dosing Practices and Treatment Response. Anesthesiology Clinics. 41: 357-369
Salmasi V, Lii TR, Humphreys K, et al. (2022) A literature review of the impact of exclusion criteria on generalizability of clinical trial findings to patients with chronic pain. Pain Reports. 7: e1050
Prabhakar NK, Chadwick AL, Nwaneshiudu C, et al. (2022) Management of Postoperative Pain in Patients Following Spine Surgery: A Narrative Review. International Journal of General Medicine. 15: 4535-4549
Lii TR, Aggarwal AK. (2020) Comparison of intravenous lidocaine versus epidural anesthesia for traumatic rib fracture pain: a retrospective cohort study. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
LeBlanc BW, Bowary PM, Chao YC, et al. (2016) Electroencephalographic signatures of pain and analgesia in rats. Pain
LeBlanc BW, Lii TR, Huang JJ, et al. (2016) T-type calcium channel blocker Z944 restores cortical synchrony and thalamocortical connectivity in a rat model of neuropathic pain. Pain. 157: 255-263
Leblanc BW, Lii TR, Silverman AE, et al. (2014) Cortical theta is increased while thalamocortical coherence is decreased in rat models of acute and chronic pain. Pain. 155: 773-82
Lii T, LeBlanc B, Saab C. (2013) Altered connectivity between the thalamus and somatosensory cortex during chronic pain The Journal of Pain. 14: S44
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