Stephen J. Dollinger

Psychology Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL 
Developmental Psychology
"Stephen Dollinger"
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Dollinger SJ. (2016) “You Are as You Read”: Do Students’ Reading Interests Contribute to Their Individuality? Reading Psychology. 37: 1-26
Dollinger SJ, Skaggs A. (2012) Does the Act Predict “Inside the Box” Thinking or Creativity?: Creative Characters in the Personality Imagination Exercise Imagination, Cognition and Personality. 31: 199-216
Dollinger SJ, Clark MH. (2012) Test-Taking Strategy as a Mediator between Race and Academic Performance Learning and Individual Differences. 22: 511-517
Dollinger SJ, kazmierczak E, Storkerson PK. (2011) Creativity and self-exploration in projective drawings of abused women: Evaluating the inside me-outside me workshop Journal of Creativity in Mental Health. 6: 202-219
Dollinger SJ. (2011) "Standardized minds" or individuality? Admissions tests and creativity revisited Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 5: 329-341
Dollinger SJ, Malmquist D. (2009) Reliability and validity of single-item self-reports: with special relevance to college students' alcohol use, religiosity, study, and social life. The Journal of General Psychology. 136: 231-41
Komarraju M, Dollinger SJ, Lovell JL. (2008) Individualism-collectivism in horizontal and vertical directions as predictors of conflict management styles International Journal of Conflict Management. 19: 20-35
Dollinger SJ, Matyja AM, Huber JL. (2008) Which factors best account for academic success: Those which college students can control or those they cannot? Journal of Research in Personality. 42: 872-885
Lovett-Hooper G, Komarraju M, Weston R, et al. (2007) Is plagiarism a forerunner of other deviance? Imagined futures of academically dishonest students Ethics and Behavior. 17: 323-336
Dollinger SJ, Burke PA, Gump NW. (2007) Creativity and values Creativity Research Journal. 19: 91-103
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