Friedrich Zettler

University of Munich, München, Bayern, Germany 
"Friedrich Zettler"
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Datum KH, Rambold I, Zettler F. (1989) Cholinergic neurons in the lamina ganglionaris of the blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala Cell and Tissue Research. 256: 153-158
Datum KH, Weiler R, Zettler F. (1986) Immunocytochemical demonstration of γ-amino butyric acid and glutamic acid decarboxylase in R7 photoreceptors and C2 centrifugal fibres in the blowfly visual system Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 159: 241-249
Ammermüller J, Zettler F. (1986) Time- and voltage-dependent currents in locust ocellar L-neurones Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 159: 363-376
Zettler F, Weiler R. (1981) Propagation of non-spike signals in retinal neurons. Vision Research. 21: 1589-90
Weiler R, Zettler F. (1979) The axon-bearing horizontal cells in the teleost retina are functional as well as structural units. Vision Research. 19: 1261-8
Zettler F, Weiler R. (1977) NEURAL PRINCIPLES IN VISION Optometry and Vision Science. 54: 732
Zettler F, Autrum H. (1975) Chromatic properties of lateral inhibition in the eye of a fly Journal of Comparative Physiology ■ A. 97: 181-188
Järvilehto M, Zettler F. (1973) Electrophysiological-histological studies on some functional properties of visual cells and second order neurons of an insect retina. Zeitschrift Fã¼R Zellforschung Und Mikroskopische Anatomie (Vienna, Austria : 1948). 136: 291-306
Zettler F, Järvilehto M. (1973) Active and passive axonal propagation of non-spike signals in the retina of Calliphora Journal of Comparative Physiology. 85: 89-104
Zettler F, Järvilehto M. (1972) Lateral inhibition in an insect eye Zeitschrift FüR Vergleichende Physiologie. 76: 233-244
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