Michel Paradis
Affiliations: | Linguistics | McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada |
Bilingualism, neurolinguisticsWebsite:
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Paradis M. (2011) Principles underlying the Bilingual Aphasia Test (BAT) and its uses. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. 25: 427-43 |
Paradis M. (2008) Bilingual laterality: unfounded claim of validity: a comment on. Neuropsychologia. 46: 1588-90; author repl |
Paradis M. (2008) Bilingualism and neuropsychiatric disorders Journal of Neurolinguistics. 21: 199-230 |
Paradis M. (2003) The bilingual Loch Ness Monster raises its non-asymmetric head again-or, why bother with such cumbersome notions as validity and reliability? Comments on Evans et al. (2000). Brain and Language. 87: 441-8 |
Paradis M. (2001) The need for awareness of aphasia symptoms in different languages Journal of Neurolinguistics. 14: 85-91 |
Paradis M. (2000) The neurolinguistics of bilingualism in the next decades. Brain and Language. 71: 178-80 |
Paradis M. (2000) Generalizable outcomes of bilingual aphasia research. Folia Phoniatrica Et Logopaedica : Official Organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (Ialp). 52: 54-64 |
Paradis M. (1998) The other side of language: Pragmatic competence Journal of Neurolinguistics. 11: 1-10 |
Paradis M. (1996) Selective deficit in one language is not a demonstration of different anatomical representation: comments on Gomez-Tortosa et al. (1995). Brain and Language. 54: 170-3; discussion 17 |
Paradis M. (1995) Another sighting of differential language laterality in multilinguals, this time in Loch Tok Pisin: comments on Wuillemin, Richardson, and Lynch (1994). Brain and Language. 49: 173-86; discussion 1 |