Virginia Douglas

Psychology  McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
"Virginia Douglas"
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Wigal T, Swanson JM, Douglas VI, et al. (1998) Effect of reinforcement on facial responsivity and persistence in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Behavior Modification. 22: 143-66
Firestone P, Douglas V. (1975) The effects of reward and punishment on reaction times and autonomic activity in hyperactive and normal children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 3: 201-16
Weiss G, Minde K, Werry JS, et al. (1971) Studies on the hyperactive child. 8. Five-year follow-up. Archives of General Psychiatry. 24: 409-14
WERRY JS, WEISS G, DOUGLAS V. (1964) STUDIES ON THE HYPERACTIVE CHILD. I: SOME PRELIMINARY FINDINGS. Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal. 258: 120-30
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