Kevin John O'Brien

Cognitive/Experimental Psychology University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States 
"Kevin O'Brien"
Mean distance: 19.59 (cluster 8)
Cross-listing: PsychTree

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Saint SE, Hammond BR, O'Brien KJ, et al. (2017) Developmental Trends in Infant Temporal Processing Speed. Vision Research
Stringham JM, Stringham NT, O'Brien KJ. (2017) Macular Carotenoid Supplementation Improves Visual Performance, Sleep Quality, and Adverse Physical Symptoms in Those with High Screen Time Exposure. Foods (Basel, Switzerland). 6
Stringham JM, O'Brien KJ, Stringham NT. (2017) Contrast Sensitivity and Lateral Inhibition Are Enhanced With Macular Carotenoid Supplementation. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 58: 2291-2295
O'Brien K, Smollon B, Wooten B, et al. (2011) Determining Heterochromatic Flicker Photometry Frequency for Macular Pigment Optical Densitometry by Critical Flicker Fusion Frequency Journal of Vision. 11: 55-55
Bovier ER, O'Brien KJ, Ross S, et al. (2011) Static and Dynamic Measures of Visual Performance in Athletes Journal of Vision. 11: 27-27
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