David W. Foy

Psychology Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Public Health, General Religion
"David Foy"
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Beth Houskamp grad student Fuller Graduate School of Psychology
Sheri R. Dillon grad student 2000 Pepperdine University
Carl P. McKnight grad student 2000 Pepperdine University
Leslie A. Ross grad student 2000 Pepperdine University
Xavier F. Salazar grad student 2000 Pepperdine University
Paul G. Shuman grad student 2000 Pepperdine University
Caroline H. Divone grad student 2001 Pepperdine University
Susanne K. Fine grad student 2001 Pepperdine University
Heather M. Greenwald grad student 2001 Pepperdine University
Heidi E. Struthoff grad student 2001 Pepperdine University
Jimmy Choi grad student 2002 Pepperdine University
Bryan K. Robison grad student 2002 Pepperdine University
Kelly L. Tonelli grad student 2002 Pepperdine University
Penelope P. Underwood grad student 2002 Pepperdine University
Edrick H. Dorian grad student 2003 Pepperdine University
Avice-Marie Griffin grad student 2003 Pepperdine University
Jennifer L. Sherker grad student 2003 Pepperdine University
Michelle Zeller grad student 2004 Pepperdine University
Jeffrey J. Leoni grad student 2005 Pepperdine University
Jennifer M. Romesser grad student 2005 Pepperdine University
Jo A. Sornborger grad student 2005 Pepperdine University
Arthur P. Asatoorian grad student 2006 Pepperdine University
Patricia L. Copeland grad student 2006 Pepperdine University
Joanna Edwards grad student 2006 Pepperdine University
Jennifer B. Hawthorne grad student 2006 Pepperdine University
Tena S. Rouss grad student 2006 Pepperdine University
Anna L. Baumgartner grad student 2007 Pepperdine University
Renee L. Chmiel grad student 2007 Pepperdine University
Richard L. Girod grad student 2007 Pepperdine University
Diana Sermanian grad student 2007 Pepperdine University
Miatta R. Snetter grad student 2007 Pepperdine University
Carol Rotko grad student 2008 Pepperdine University
David W. Schafer grad student 2008 Pepperdine University
Lea M. Didion grad student 2009 Pepperdine University
Katherine R. Jakle grad student 2009 Pepperdine University
Sarah B. Metz grad student 2009 Pepperdine University
Elizabeth Casas grad student 2010 Pepperdine University
Lauren L. Jackson grad student 2010 Pepperdine University
Marissa Burgoyne grad student 2011 Pepperdine University
Caroline M. Kelly grad student 2011 Pepperdine University
Anna Leshner grad student 2011 Pepperdine University
Kerri E. Schutz grad student 2011 Pepperdine University
Douglas S. Kraus grad student 2013 Pepperdine University
Alison F. Vargas grad student 2013 Pepperdine University
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Currier JM, Drescher KD, Holland JM, et al. (2016) Spirituality, Forgiveness, and Quality of Life: Testing a Mediational Model with Military Veterans with PTSD International Journal For the Psychology of Religion. 26: 167-179
Currier JM, Holland JM, Rojas-Flores L, et al. (2015) Morally injurious experiences and meaning in Salvadorian teachers exposed to violence. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. 7: 24-33
Currier JM, Holland JM, Drescher K, et al. (2015) Initial psychometric evaluation of the Moral Injury Questionnaire--Military version. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 22: 54-63
Flipse Vargas A, Hanson T, Kraus D, et al. (2013) Moral Injury Themes in Combat Veterans' Narrative Responses From the National Vietnam Veterans' Readjustment Study Traumatology. 19: 243-250
Eriksson CB, Lopes Cardozo B, Foy DW, et al. (2013) Predeployment Mental Health and Trauma Exposure of Expatriate Humanitarian Aid Workers: Risk and Resilience Factors Traumatology. 19: 41-48
Lopes Cardozo B, Gotway Crawford C, Eriksson C, et al. (2012) Psychological distress, depression, anxiety, and burnout among international humanitarian aid workers: a longitudinal study. Plos One. 7: e44948
Foy DW, Ritchie IK, Conway AH. (2012) Trauma exposure, posttraumatic stress, and comorbidities in female adolescent offenders: findings and implications from recent studies. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. 3
Putman KM, Blair R, Roberts R, et al. (2012) Perspectives of Faith-Based Relief Providers on Responding to the Needs of Evacuees Following Hurricane Katrina Traumatology. 18: 56-64
Drescher KD, Foy DW, Kelly C, et al. (2011) An exploration of the viability and usefulness of the construct of moral injury in war veterans Traumatology. 17: 8-13
Walling SM, Eriksson CB, Putman KM, et al. (2011) Community violence exposure, adverse childhood experiences, and posttraumatic distress among urban development workers Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 3: 42-49
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