Jennifer B. Erway, Ph.D.

2006 University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
"Jennifer Erway"


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Philip E. Gill grad student 2006 UCSD
 (Iterative methods for large-scale unconstrained optimization.)
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Erway JB, Griffin JD, Marcia RF, et al. (2020) Trust-region algorithms for training responses: machine learning methods using indefinite Hessian approximations Optimization Methods & Software. 35: 460-487
Brust J, Burdakov O, Erway JB, et al. (2019) A dense initialization for limited-memory quasi-Newton methods Computational Optimization and Applications. 74: 121-142
Erway JB, Marcia RF. (2017) On solving large-scale limited-memory quasi-Newton equations Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 515: 196-225
Brust J, Erway JB, Marcia RF. (2017) On solving L-SR1 trust-region subproblems Computational Optimization and Applications. 66: 245-266
Erway JB, Marcia RF. (2015) On Efficiently Computing the Eigenvalues of Limited-Memory Quasi-Newton Matrices Siam Journal On Matrix Analysis and Applications. 36: 1338-1359
Erway JB, Marcia RF. (2014) Algorithm 943: MSS: MATLAB Software for L-BFGS Trust-Region Subproblems for Large-Scale Optimization Acm Transactions On Mathematical Software. 40: 28
Erway JB, Jain V, Marcia RF. (2014) Shifted L-BFGS systems Optimization Methods & Software. 29: 992-1004
Zhang J, Erway J, Hu X, et al. (2012) Randomized SVD methods in hyperspectral imaging Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2012: 3
Erway JB, Marcia RF. (2012) Limited-memory BFGS systems with diagonal updates Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 437: 333-344
Erway JB, Marcia RF. (2011) A backward stability analysis of diagonal pivoting methods for solving unsymmetric tridiagonal systems without interchanges Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications. 18: 41-54
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