Catherine M. Kotz

Neuroscience University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Neuroscience Biology
"Catherine Kotz"
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Jennifer A. Teske grad student 2007 UMN
Claudio E. Perez-Leighton grad student 2012 UMN
Emily E. Noble grad student 2010-2013 UMN
Emily E. Noble grad student 2014 UMN
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Mavanji V, Pomonis BL, Shekels L, et al. (2024) Interactions between Lateral Hypothalamic Orexin and Dorsal Raphe Circuitry in Energy Balance. Brain Sciences. 14
Mavanji V, Teske JA, Kotz CM, et al. (2023) Changes in sensorimotor cortex oscillatory activity by orexin-A in the ventrolateral preoptic area of the hypothalamus reflect increased muscle tone. Journal of Neuroscience Research
Grebenstein PE, Erickson P, Grace M, et al. (2022) Anatabine, Nornicotine, and Anabasine Reduce Weight Gain and Body Fat through Decreases in Food Intake and Increases in Physical Activity. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 11
Mavanji V, Pomonis B, Kotz CM. (2021) Orexin, serotonin, and energy balance. Wires Mechanisms of Disease. 14: e1536
Klockars A, Levine AS, Head MA, et al. (2021) Impact of Gut and Metabolic Hormones on Feeding Reward. Comprehensive Physiology. 11: 1425-1447
Mavanji V, Georgopoulos AP, Kotz CM. (2021) Synchronous neuronal interactions in rat hypothalamic culture: a novel model for the study of network dynamics in metabolic disorders. Experimental Brain Research
Stanojlovic M, Pallais Yllescas JP, Mavanji V, et al. (2019) Chemogenetic activation of orexin/hypocretin neurons ameliorates aging induced changes in behavior and energy expenditure. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology
Jastreboff AM, Kotz CM, Kahan S, et al. (2019) Obesity as a Disease: The Obesity Society 2018 Position Statement. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 27: 7-9
Zink AN, Bunney PE, Holm AA, et al. (2017) Neuromodulation of orexin neurons reduces diet-induced adiposity. International Journal of Obesity (2005). 42: 737-745
Kotz CM, Perez-Leighton CE, Teske JA, et al. (2017) Spontaneous Physical Activity Defends Against Obesity. Current Obesity Reports
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