Norval J. Hickman, Ph.D.

2008 Clin Psychology (Jnt Doc SDSU) University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University 
Clinical Psychology, Public Health, Black Studies
"Norval Hickman"
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Elizabeth A. Klonoff grad student 2008 University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University
 (Does cigarette smoking mediate the relationship between racial discrimination and depression for African Americans participating in the National Survey of American Life?)
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Das S, Hickman NJ, Prochaska JJ. (2017) Treating Smoking in Adults With Co-occurring Acute Psychiatric and Addictive Disorders. Journal of Addiction Medicine
Brown-Johnson CG, Cataldo JK, Orozco N, et al. (2015) Validity and reliability of the Internalized Stigma of Smoking Inventory: An exploration of shame, isolation, and discrimination in smokers with mental health diagnoses. The American Journal On Addictions / American Academy of Psychiatrists in Alcoholism and Addictions. 24: 410-8
Hickman NJ, Delucchi KL, Prochaska JJ. (2014) Menthol use among smokers with psychological distress: findings from the 2008 and 2009 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Tobacco Control. 23: 7-13
Leyro TM, Hall SM, Hickman N, et al. (2013) Clinical management of tobacco dependence in inpatient psychiatry: provider practices and patient utilization. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). 64: 1161-5
Hickman NJ, Delucchi KL, Prochaska JJ. (2010) A population-based examination of cigarette smoking and mental illness in Black Americans. Nicotine & Tobacco Research : Official Journal of the Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco. 12: 1125-32
Okechukwu CA, Nguyen K, Hickman NJ. (2010) Partner smoking characteristics: Associations with smoking and quitting among blue-collar apprentices. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 53: 1102-8
Landrine H, Corral I, Klonoff EA, et al. (2010) Ethnic disparities in youth access to tobacco: California statewide results, 1999-2003. Health Promotion Practice. 11: 132-9
Fernandez S, Hickman N, Klonoff EA, et al. (2005) Cigarette advertising in magazines for Latinas, White women, and men, 1998--2002: a preliminary investigation. Journal of Community Health. 30: 141-51
Landrine H, Klonoff EA, Fernandez S, et al. (2005) Cigarette advertising in Black, Latino, and White magazines, 1998-2002: an exploratory investigation. Ethnicity & Disease. 15: 63-7
Hickman N, Klonoff EA, Landrine H, et al. (2004) Preliminary investigation of the advertising and availability of PREPs, the new "safe" tobacco products. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 27: 413-24
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