Judith J. Prochaska, Ph.D.

2002 University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University 
Clinical Psychology, Public Health
"Judith Prochaska"
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James F. Sallis grad student 2002 University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University
 (The PACE+ school study: Evaluation of the efficacy of promoting change in a single versus multiple health behaviors.)
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Prochaska JJ, Vogel EA, Oppezzo M, et al. (2024) A randomized controlled trial evaluation of a smoking cessation and physical activity intervention delivered via telemedicine in the Norton Sound region of Alaska. Addictive Behaviors. 160: 108179
Jackson RW, Cao-Nasalga A, Chieng A, et al. (2024) Adding Virtual Reality Mindful Exposure Therapy to a Cancer Center's Tobacco Treatment Offerings: Feasibility and Acceptability Single-Group Pilot Study. Jmir Formative Research. 8: e54817
Sinicrope PS, Tranby BN, Young AM, et al. (2024) Adapting a Financial Incentives Intervention for Smoking Cessation with Alaska Native Families: Phase 1 Qualitative Research to Inform the Aniqsaaq (To Breathe) Study. Nicotine & Tobacco Research : Official Journal of the Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco
Ioannidis JPA, Prochaska JJ. (2024) Smoking Cessation, or How to Avert Half a Billion Premature Deaths - Now. Nejm Evidence. 3: EVIDe2300322
Hatsukami DK, Prochaska JJ. (2024) Electronic Cigarettes for Smoking Cessation-A Clinician's Dilemma. Jama Internal Medicine
Patten CA, Koller KR, King DK, et al. (2023) Aniqsaaq (To Breathe): Study protocol to develop and evaluate an Alaska Native family-based financial incentive intervention for smoking cessation. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications. 33: 101129
Shields PG, Bierut L, Arenberg D, et al. (2023) Smoking Cessation, Version 3.2022, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : Jnccn. 21: 297-322
Patten CA, Koller KR, Sinicrope PS, et al. (2022) Exploring the perceived effectiveness and cultural acceptability of COVID-19 relevant social media intervention content among Alaska Native people who Smoke: The CAN Quit study. Preventive Medicine Reports. 30: 102042
Patten CA, Koller KR, Sinicrope PS, et al. (2022) Facebook Intervention to Connect Alaska Native People with Resources and Support to Quit Smoking: CAN Quit Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Nicotine & Tobacco Research : Official Journal of the Society For Research On Nicotine and Tobacco
Young-Wolff KC, Slama N, Alexeeff SE, et al. (2022) Electronic cigarette use and risk of COVID-19 among young adults without a history of cigarette smoking. Preventive Medicine. 107151
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