Gero Miesenbock

University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
"Gero Miesenbock"
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Adam Claridge-Chang grad student
Lukas N Groschner grad student Oxford
Raffaele Sarnataro grad student 2018- Oxford
Susana Q Lima-Mainen grad student 2000-2005 Yale
Lucas Sjulson grad student 2001-2007 Memorial Sloan Kettering
Oriol Pavón Arocas grad student 2015-2015 Oxford
Seo Ho Song grad student 2012-2017 Oxford
Bohan Zhao post-doc
Haram Park post-doc 2019- Oxford
J. Dylan Clyne post-doc 2004-2007 Yale School of Medicine
Attila Losonczy post-doc 2006-2007 Yale
Andrew C. Lin post-doc 2009-2015 Oxford
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Vrontou E, Groschner LN, Szydlowski S, et al. (2021) Response competition between neurons and antineurons in the mushroom body. Current Biology : Cb. 31: 4911-4922.e4
Kempf A, Song SM, Talbot CB, et al. (2019) A potassium channel β-subunit couples mitochondrial electron transport to sleep. Nature
Groschner LN, Miesenböck G. (2019) Mechanisms of Sensory Discrimination: Insights from Drosophila Olfaction. Annual Review of Biophysics
Groschner LN, Chan Wah Hak L, Bogacz R, et al. (2018) Dendritic Integration of Sensory Evidence in Perceptual Decision-Making. Cell
Donlea JM, Pimentel D, Talbot CB, et al. (2018) Recurrent Circuitry for Balancing Sleep Need and Sleep. Neuron
Podlaski WF, Seeholzer A, Groschner LN, et al. (2017) Mapping the function of neuronal ion channels in model and experiment. Elife. 6
Podlaski WF, Seeholzer A, Groschner LN, et al. (2017) Author response: Mapping the function of neuronal ion channels in model and experiment Elife
Sjulson L, Cassataro D, DasGupta S, et al. (2016) Cell-Specific Targeting of Genetically Encoded Tools for Neuroscience. Annual Review of Genetics
Pimentel D, Donlea JM, Talbot CB, et al. (2016) Operation of a homeostatic sleep switch. Nature
Anastasiades PG, Marques-Smith A, Lyngholm D, et al. (2016) GABAergic interneurons form transient layer-specific circuits in early postnatal neocortex. Nature Communications. 7: 10584
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