Jeanette M. Bennett
Affiliations: | Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States |
"Jeanette Bennett"Mean distance: 18.77 (cluster 19) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorLaura Cousino Klein | grad student | 2005-2010 | Penn State | |
(Nicotine modulation of anti-viral immunity in periadolescent male and female C57BL/6J mice.) |
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Roos LG, Janson J, Sturmbauer SC, et al. (2018) Higher trait reappraisal predicts stronger HPA axis habituation to repeated stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 101: 12-18 |
Roos LG, Levens SM, Bennett JM. (2018) Stressful life events, relationship stressors, and cortisol reactivity: The moderating role of suppression. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 89: 69-77 |
Blevins CL, Sagui SJ, Bennett JM. (2016) Inflammation and Positive Affect: Examining the Stress-Buffering Hypothesis with Data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity |
Klein LC, Whetzel CA, Bennett JM, et al. (2014) Caffeine administration does not alter salivary α-amylase activity in young male daily caffeine consumers. Bmc Research Notes. 7: 30 |
Jaremka LM, Fagundes CP, Peng J, et al. (2013) Loneliness promotes inflammation during acute stress. Psychological Science. 24: 1089-97 |
Bennett JM, Rodrigues IM, Klein LC. (2013) Effects of caffeine and stress on biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in healthy men and women with a family history of hypertension. Stress and Health : Journal of the International Society For the Investigation of Stress. 29: 401-9 |
Bennett JM, Glaser R, Andridge RR, et al. (2013) Long lasting effects of smoking: breast cancer survivors' inflammatory responses to acute stress differ by smoking history. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 38: 179-87 |
Walter KN, Corwin EJ, Ulbrecht J, et al. (2012) Elevated thyroid stimulating hormone is associated with elevated cortisol in healthy young men and women. Thyroid Research. 5: 13 |
Fagundes CP, Bennett JM, Alfano CM, et al. (2012) Social support and socioeconomic status interact to predict Epstein-Barr virus latency in women awaiting diagnosis or newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 31: 11-9 |
Klein LC, Bennett JM, Whetzel CA, et al. (2010) Caffeine and stress alter salivary alpha-amylase activity in young men. Human Psychopharmacology. 25: 359-67 |