Jerry A. Fodor
Affiliations: | Cognitive science | Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States |
Philosophy of languageWebsite:
"Jerry Fodor"Cross-listing: Philosophy Tree
Sign in to add mentorWalter Arnold Kaufmann | grad student | (Philosophy Tree) | |
Hilary Whitehall Putnam | grad student | Princeton |
Sign in to add traineeCarl Gillett | grad student | (Philosophy Tree) | |
Edward Stabler | grad student | MIT | |
Roberto G. de Almeida | grad student | 1999 | Rutgers, New Brunswick |
Susan Lynn Schneider | grad student | 2003 | Rutgers, New Brunswick (Philosophy Tree) |
Luca L. Bonatti | grad student | 1998-2003 | Rutgers, New Brunswick (Philosophy Tree) |
Kevan Edwards | grad student | 2006 | Rutgers, New Brunswick (Philosophy Tree) |
Ronald J. Planer | grad student | 2015 | Rutgers, New Brunswick (Philosophy Tree) |
Pierre Pica | research scientist | Rutgers, New Brunswick |
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Fodor JA. (2013) Précis of The Modularity of Mind Readings in Cognitive Science: a Perspective From Psychology and Artificial Intelligence. 73-77 |
Connolly AC, Fodor JA, Gleitman LR, et al. (2007) Why stereotypes don't even make good defaults. Cognition. 103: 1-22 |
Fodor J. (2004) Having Concepts: a Brief Refutation of the Twentieth Century Mind & Language. 19: 29-47 |
Fodor J, Lepore E. (2001) Brandom's Burdens: Compositionality and Inferentialism Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 63: 465-481 |
Fodor J, Lepore E. (2001) Why Compositionality Won’t Go Away: Reflections on Horwich’s ‘Deflationary’ Theory Ratio. 14: 350-368 |
Fodor JA. (2001) Language, thought and compositionality Mind and Language. 16: 1-15 |
Fodor JA, Lepore E. (1998) The Emptiness of the Lexicon: Reflections on James Pustejovsky's The Generative Lexicon Linguistic Inquiry. 29: 269-288 |
Fodor JA. (1997) The representational theory of mind American Behavioral Scientist. 829-841 |
Fodor J, Lepore E. (1996) The red herring and the pet fish: Why concepts still can't be prototypes Cognition. 58: 253-270 |
Fodor J. (1996) Deconstructing Dennett's Darwin Mind & Language. 11: 246-262 |