Sean P. Deeny

Schafer Corporation 
performance, stress, aging
"Sean Deeny"
Mean distance: 18.74 (cluster 49)
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Deeny S, Chicoine C, Hargrove L, et al. (2014) A simple ERP method for quantitative analysis of cognitive workload in myoelectric prosthesis control and human-machine interaction. Plos One. 9: e112091
Albert MV, Deeny S, McCarthy C, et al. (2014) Monitoring daily function in persons with transfemoral amputations using a commercial activity monitor: a feasibility study. Pm & R : the Journal of Injury, Function, and Rehabilitation. 6: 1120-7
Jayaraman A, Deeny S, Eisenberg Y, et al. (2014) Global position sensing and step activity as outcome measures of community mobility and social interaction for an individual with a transfemoral amputation due to dysvascular disease. Physical Therapy. 94: 401-10
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