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Yuri Dabaghian

Neurological Research Institute Baylor College of Medicine and Rice University 
"Yuri Dabaghian"
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Dabaghian Y. (2023) Grid Cell Percolation. Neural Computation. 1-18
Dabaghian Y. (2020) From Topological Analyses to Functional Modeling: The Case of Hippocampus. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 14: 593166
Babichev A, Morozov D, Dabaghian Y. (2019) Replays of spatial memories suppress topological fluctuations in cognitive map. Network Neuroscience (Cambridge, Mass.). 3: 707-724
Dabaghian Y. (2019) Through synapses to spatial memory maps via a topological model. Scientific Reports. 9: 572
Babichev A, Morozov D, Dabaghian Y. (2018) Robust spatial memory maps encoded by networks with transient connections. Plos Computational Biology. 14: e1006433
Babichev A, Dabaghian YA. (2018) Topological Schemas of Memory Spaces. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 12: 27
Babichev A, Dabaghian Y. (2017) Transient cell assembly networks encode stable spatial memories. Scientific Reports. 7: 3959
Basso E, Arai M, Dabaghian Y. (2016) Gamma Synchronization Influences Map Formation Time in a Topological Model of Spatial Learning. Plos Computational Biology. 12: e1005114
Hoffman K, Babichev A, Dabaghian Y. (2016) A model of topological mapping of space in bat hippocampus. Hippocampus
Dabaghian Y. (2016) Maintaining Consistency of Spatial Information in the Hippocampal Network: A Combinatorial Geometry Model. Neural Computation. 28: 1051-71
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