Ben K. Stafford
Affiliations: | Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI |
Retinal PhysiologyGoogle:
"Ben Stafford"Mean distance: 15.61 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorBetty Zimmerberg | research assistant | 1996-2000 | Williams | |
David A. Feldheim | grad student | 2009 | UC Santa Cruz | |
(Functional characterization of the developing and adult mouse retina.) | ||||
Jonathan Demb | post-doc | University of Michigan |
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Laha B, Stafford BK, Huberman AD. (2017) Regenerating optic pathways from the eye to the brain. Science (New York, N.Y.). 356: 1031-1034 |
Lim JA, Stafford BK, Nguyen PL, et al. (2016) Neural activity promotes long-distance, target-specific regeneration of adult retinal axons. Nature Neuroscience |
Osterhout JA, Stafford BK, Nguyen PL, et al. (2015) Contactin-4 mediates axon-target specificity and functional development of the accessory optic system. Neuron. 86: 985-99 |
Stafford BK, Manookin MB, Singer JH, et al. (2014) NMDA and AMPA receptors contribute similarly to temporal processing in mammalian retinal ganglion cells. The Journal of Physiology. 592: 4877-89 |
Stafford BK, Park SJ, Wong KY, et al. (2014) Developmental changes in NMDA receptor subunit composition at ON and OFF bipolar cell synapses onto direction-selective retinal ganglion cells. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 34: 1942-8 |
Zhao X, Stafford BK, Wong KY. (2013) Functional diversity among intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells Journal of Vision. 13: T8-T8 |
Triplett JW, Pfeiffenberger C, Yamada J, et al. (2011) Competition is a driving force in topographic mapping. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108: 19060-5 |
Manookin MB, Weick M, Stafford BK, et al. (2010) NMDA receptor contributions to visual contrast coding. Neuron. 67: 280-93 |
Stafford BK, Sher A, Litke AM, et al. (2009) Spatial-temporal patterns of retinal waves underlying activity-dependent refinement of retinofugal projections. Neuron. 64: 200-12 |
Huberman AD, Wei W, Elstrott J, et al. (2009) Genetic identification of an On-Off direction-selective retinal ganglion cell subtype reveals a layer-specific subcortical map of posterior motion. Neuron. 62: 327-34 |