
Mehrdad Jazayeri, Ph.D.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
perception, decision making
"Mehrdad Jazayeri"
Mean distance: 12.76 (cluster 29)


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Frances K. Skinner grad student 1999-2001 University of Toronto
J Anthony Movshon grad student 2001-2007 NYU
 (Neural representation of sensory information in perception.)
David J. Heeger post-doc 2007-2007 NYU
Michael N. Shadlen post-doc 2007-2013 University of Washington


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Lucy Lai research assistant 2016-
Jason O. Li research assistant 2021-2022 MIT
Alexandra C Ferguson grad student MIT
John Gabel grad student
Nicolas Meirhaeghe grad student MIT
Eli Pollock grad student MIT
Setayesh Radkani grad student
Mahdi Ramadan grad student MIT
Morteza Sarafyazd grad student MIT
Nicolas Watters grad student
Cheng Tang grad student 2022- MIT
Sol Markman grad student 2023- MIT
Meghana G Potta grad student 2023- MIT
Hokyung Sung grad student 2023- MIT
Gabriel M Stine post-doc MIT
Seth W. Egger post-doc 2013- MIT
Evan Remington post-doc 2013- MIT
Jing Wang post-doc 2013- MIT
Devika Narain post-doc 2015- MIT
Hansem Sohn post-doc 2015- MIT
Sujaya Neupane post-doc 2018- MIT
Rishi Rajalingham post-doc 2019- MIT
Seng Bum Michael Yoo post-doc 2019- MIT
Ruidong Chen post-doc 2020- MIT
Aran Nayebi post-doc 2022- MIT
BETA: Related publications


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Neupane S, Fiete I, Jazayeri M. (2024) Publisher Correction: Mental navigation in the primate entorhinal cortex. Nature. 631: E14
Neupane S, Fiete I, Jazayeri M. (2024) Mental navigation in the primateĀ entorhinal cortex. Nature. 630: 704-711
de Lafuente V, Jazayeri M, Merchant H, et al. (2024) Keeping time and rhythm by internal simulation of sensory stimuli and behavioral actions. Science Advances. 10: eadh8185
Nayebi A, Rajalingham R, Jazayeri M, et al. (2023) Neural Foundations of Mental Simulation: Future Prediction of Latent Representations on Dynamic Scenes. Arxiv
Beiran M, Meirhaeghe N, Sohn H, et al. (2023) Parametric control of flexible timing through low-dimensional neural manifolds. Neuron
Keshtkaran MR, Sedler AR, Chowdhury RH, et al. (2022) A large-scale neural network training framework for generalized estimation of single-trial population dynamics. Nature Methods
Rajalingham R, Piccato A, Jazayeri M. (2022) Recurrent neural networks with explicit representation of dynamic latent variables can mimic behavioral patterns in a physical inference task. Nature Communications. 13: 5865
Meirhaeghe N, Sohn H, Jazayeri M. (2021) A precise and adaptive neural mechanism for predictive temporal processing in the frontal cortex. Neuron. 109: 2995-3011.e5
Sohn H, Jazayeri M. (2021) Validating model-based Bayesian integration using prior-cost metamers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118
Balasubramaniam R, Haegens S, Jazayeri M, et al. (2020) Neural Encoding and Representation of Time for Sensorimotor Control and Learning. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
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