Vladimir A. Markevich

IHNA, RAS, Moskva, Moscow, Russia 
"Vladimir Markevich"
Mean distance: 16.48 (cluster 6)
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Dobryakova YV, Gerasimov K, Spivak YS, et al. (2023) The Induction of Long-Term Potentiation by Medial Septum Activation under Urethane Anesthesia Can Alter Gene Expression in the Hippocampus. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24
Dobryakova YV, Stepanichev MY, Markevich VA, et al. (2020) Long-term potentiation in the hippocampal CA3 to CA1 synapses may be induced in vivo by activation of septal cholinergic inputs. The International Journal of Neuroscience. 1-7
Ravodina AM, Silkis IG, Markevich VA. (2019) A Study of Synaptic Plasticity in the Rat Hippocampal Field CA1 in Conditions of Deficiency of Acetylcholine and Other Neurotransmitters Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 50: 63-72
Rodionov AN, Snegur LV, Dobryakova YV, et al. (2019) Administration of ferrocene‐modified amino acids induces changes in synaptic transmission in the CA1 area of the hippocampus Applied Organometallic Chemistry. 34
Popov VA, Markevich VA. (2015) The Key Role of Calcium in the Mechanism of Deprivation Potentiation of Population Responses of Neurons in Hippocampal Field CA1 Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 45: 483-489
Popov VA, Markevich VA. (2014) [The key role of calcium in the mechanism of deprivational potentiation of population responses in hippocampal CA1 neurons]. Zhurnal Vyssheä­ Nervnoä­ Deiatelnosti Imeni I P Pavlova. 64: 54-63
Fedotova IR, Uzakova ShS, Markevich VA. (2012) [Restoration of long-term potentiation by food delivery to deprived rat]. Zhurnal Vyssheä­ Nervnoä­ Deiatelnosti Imeni I P Pavlova. 62: 573-9
Dobryakova YV, Markevich VA. (2012) The effect of the systemic administration of carbachol on consolidation of the passive avoidance skill and the characteristics of evoked responses in the CA1 field of the hippocampus Neurochemical Journal. 6: 268-271
Fedotova IR, Uzakov SS, Frolov AA, et al. (2011) Influences of hippocampal field CA1 on theta activity in urethane-anesthetized rats Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 41: 973-977
Fedotova IR, Uzakov ShS, Frolov AA, et al. (2010) [Influence of CA1 hippocampal field on theta-activity in rats under urethane anesthesia]. Zhurnal Vyssheä­ Nervnoä­ Deiatelnosti Imeni I P Pavlova. 60: 486-92
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