Guillaume Hache
Affiliations: | Pharmacology | EA3544, Châtenay-Malabry, Île-de-France, France |
"Guillaume Hache"Mean distance: 16.44 (cluster 11) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorFrancois Coudoré | grad student | EA3544 | |
Alain Gardier | grad student | EA3544 |
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Hache G, Guiard BP, Nguyen TH, et al. (2015) Antinociceptive activity of the new triple reuptake inhibitor NS18283 in a mouse model of chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain. European Journal of Pain (London, England). 19: 322-33 |
Le Dantec Y, Hache G, Guilloux JP, et al. (2014) NREM sleep hypersomnia and reduced sleep/wake continuity in a neuroendocrine mouse model of anxiety/depression based on chronic corticosterone administration. Neuroscience. 274: 357-68 |
Massicot F, Hache G, David L, et al. (2013) P2X7 Cell Death Receptor Activation and Mitochondrial Impairment in Oxaliplatin-Induced Apoptosis and Neuronal Injury: Cellular Mechanisms and In Vivo Approach. Plos One. 8: e66830 |
Dantec YL, Hache G, Quesseveur G, et al. (2013) Caractérisation des altérations veille/sommeil dans un modèle murin neuroendocrinien d’anxiété/dépression Neurophysiologie Clinique-Clinical Neurophysiology. 10: 117 |
Hache G, Guiard BP, Le Dantec Y, et al. (2012) Antinociceptive effects of fluoxetine in a mouse model of anxiety/depression. Neuroreport. 23: 525-9 |
Hache G, Coudore F, Gardier AM, et al. (2011) Monoaminergic antidepressants in the relief of pain: Potential therapeutic utility of triple reuptake inhibitors (TRIs) Pharmaceuticals. 4: 285-342 |