H Steven Scholte

Psychology University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 
visual system, individual differences
"H Scholte"
Mean distance: 14.07 (cluster 29)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Fernando H. Lopes da Silva research assistant 1996-1997 Amsterdam
Pieter R. Roelfsema research assistant 1997-1998 Amsterdam
Victor A.F. Lamme grad student 1998-2003 Amsterdam
Henk Spekreijse grad student 1998-2003 Medical Physics, University of Amsterdam


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Tessa Dekker grad student UCL
Noor Seijdel grad student
Ilja Sligte grad student Amsterdam
Lukas Snoek grad student
Anouk M. van Loon grad student Amsterdam
Martijn E. Wokke grad student Amsterdam
Niklas Müller grad student 2022-
Johannes Jacobus Fahrenfort grad student 2002-2007 Amsterdam
Ryszard Auksztulewicz grad student 2007-2009 Amsterdam
Iris Groen grad student 2009-2013 Amsterdam
Martijn Barendregt post-doc 2016- Amsterdam
BETA: Related publications


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Loke J, Seijdel N, Snoek L, et al. (2024) Human Visual Cortex and Deep Convolutional Neural Network Care Deeply about Object Background. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-16
Sörensen LKA, Bohté SM, de Jong D, et al. (2023) Mechanisms of human dynamic object recognition revealed by sequential deep neural networks. Plos Computational Biology. 19: e1011169
Snoek L, Jack RE, Schyns PG, et al. (2023) Testing, explaining, and exploring models of facial expressions of emotions. Science Advances. 9: eabq8421
Loke J, Seijdel N, Snoek L, et al. (2022) A Critical Test of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks' Ability to Capture Recurrent Processing in the Brain Using Visual Masking. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-16
Sörensen LKA, Bohté SM, Slagter HA, et al. (2022) Arousal state affects perceptual decision-making by modulating hierarchical sensory processing in a large-scale visual system model. Plos Computational Biology. 18: e1009976
Sörensen LKA, Zambrano D, Slagter HA, et al. (2022) Leveraging Spiking Deep Neural Networks to Understand the Neural Mechanisms Underlying Selective Attention. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-20
Seijdel N, Scholte HS, de Haan EHF. (2021) Visual features drive the category-specific impairments on categorization tasks in a patient with object agnosia. Neuropsychologia. 161: 108017
Seijdel N, Loke J, van de Klundert R, et al. (2021) On the necessity of recurrent processing during object recognition: it depends on the need for scene segmentation. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Oosterwijk S, Snoek L, Tekoppele J, et al. (2020) Choosing to view morbid information involves reward circuitry. Scientific Reports. 10: 15291
Seijdel N, Tsakmakidis N, de Haan EHF, et al. (2020) Depth in convolutional neural networks solves scene segmentation. Plos Computational Biology. 16: e1008022
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